How was your Memorial Day weekend? Mine was relaxing.... I tried very hard not to pressure myself over my (percieved) lack of productivity, since that it just counter-productive. I did scan lots of pages from the sketchbooks I've had over the years. Funny but for an "aspiring artist" I sure don't sketch all that much. Of course I've heard the advice "sketch every day", I really should try it. Hey, maybe I could even upload sketches to the Moleskine community pages?

I went to the beach on Monday, capturing snapshots of the surfers and other beach-goers. Here are a couple of the better images. They never turn out as good as the scenes look in real life.... Like with that railing I sat behind which is getting in the way of so many of the pics I took! I'll have to give myself the project of cropping & enhancing the photos....

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