Thursday, July 30, 2009

I just signed up for another e-course.... hmm, is this going to become a habit?

I'm so excited I'll be joining Marisa of Creative Thursday for her second running of her "In The Fishbowl" class! It's all about navigating the waters of being an artist online. I think I'm jumping the gun here yet again, as I'm still struggling to make time for making art, and nowhere near having a career with this yet, but the opportunity is too good to pass up. And the other class I'm taking now - A Course in Trust, which I'm still not too sure about actually, but then again that is probably my "trust issue" speaking - this week's class talked about trusting yourself and your instincts. Thinking about the In The Fishbowl class makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and energized, and that is the very feeling that I'm supposed to be following, no?

Amazingly the class begins late September, which is about the time that I should be fully moved/settled in and studio area outfitted, and more than ready to begin my creative adventures in my new space. A cosmic line-up to be sure!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Moving right along....

Hey there - Yes I know, three weeks have passed and where are those photos I promised to post? Well after spending 3 or 4 days of spare time to delete the photos that didn't turn out so well, and rename them so I'd remember later exactly what was I doing in that shot?, I still haven't uploaded them or emailed them to any family & friends either, so this little bloggy blog here isn't the only one lacking marvelous pictures of my trip!

I actually have my hands full at the moment with apartment hunting and slowly packing, trying to get a handle on my issues at the Day Job (tardies, lack of motivation, etc.), carving out some little (very little) time for my artwork, and I think I just might have to re-do this blog here anyway. I've been thinking that I need to have a landing page for my artwork, not just my thoughts about life & stuff, and I don't want to be here linking about the stylish this or that found on the interwebs like everyone else does (because I love you all and already read your blogs, so why do I need to duplicate what you've already got working so well?) so....

Once I move, and have an actual studio area set up for myself, I plan to set up a separate blog to post more regularly about my daily adventures in exploring my creativity. I'm not going to abandon this page here, but the best thing about this page for me has always been getting my thoughts out of my head and out there somewhere. So that is what I'll be focusing on for Ninja Haiku in the future (and then I won't have to worry about the fact that nobody reads this page LOL).

Until then, maybe the occasional post here and there about my struggles (omg why do a quarter of the apartments ads on craigslist appear to be scams of one sort or another????)... take care!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Vacation

I just got back from a trip to Sedona, AZ... talk about a magical place! It's hard to describe the beauty of nature up there, how amazing the famous Red Rocks are. I'm already missing it! Within half an hour of getting to my accommodations there in the Village of Oak Creek, I knew that I would have to return someday. I can imagine myself living there, that's for sure!

I took many, many pictures, and have much more to tell about the trip.... will post more when I get the chance!