This past weekend I was unusually productive with my artwork, even in the midst of fighting a cold, doing early spring cleaning, getting back on the yoga wagon, etc. It felt really good to get so much done! See messy work area above....Here's a peek at what I accomplished....I need to scan these or take better pictures though, I'm not happy with the lack of detail on these pics.

This is a test for the patterns I'll be making on a larger canvas that I've already prepped with background colors. I kind of like this one just as it is though! Sort of raw and unstudied.

This is a tiny canvas, just 3" x 4"! For fun, really. I need to go back and sharpen the dark pink veining.

This was totally experimental, a salvage of a horrible attempt at a butterfly flitting around in the sky, not sure what I was thinking there! I'd had this thought in the back of my head for months about sewing into a stretched canvas, so I thought, why not do that here? I just sewed the yarn on randomly....then painted the bowl & objects in over the original image. Still needs some work, but I'm rather liking the broken look in some of the areas where the yarn passes through.

This is "Turquoise Seas," I've been working on it for a while. Changing and changing the colors to get the right combo. I think this will be one of those paintings that never feel finished. I can always change "just this one thing," right? I need to be done with this soon for my sanity!

And this was my happiest surprise, totally unplanned and off-the-cuff. This pic does not do it justice at all. It's really happy feeling piece in person, for some reason I couldn't really capture that mood with the camera. I'm thinking a ladybug or two would be perfect to complete this.
That's all I have for now!
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