Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Use your ninja training

Today my father said something to me I find hilariously coincidental: "Use your ninja training." Now, he has no idea I have a blog with Ninja in the title (or a blog at all, perhaps he may not even know what a blog is). Of course he was joking. We were talking about my struggles as a night owl to wake up early with the rest of the working crowd. I literally feel like my brain does not turn on before 10 am. Anyway he was talking about structure and discipline, which is one of the things I was thinking of when I named this blog. They are traits I haven't developed much, and would very much like to, in the way that it would help me to accomplish the things I'd like to do with my life. To have a schedule of when I'm going to work on my artwork, and stick to it, not to mention my other goals.

I'm trying to shift my schedule back, wake up & get to The Job earlier, so as to leave earlier and have more day left in my day. As someone told me recently, you can get a lot more done between 4 & 8 pm, than between 6 & 10 pm - it's just a psychological thing, I guess. Maybe have more time for my art. I haven't had much energy to work on anything in days. I'm actually in bed right now and it's not even 10 pm yet! (That is soooo not me!)

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