Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Work sucks

I've been back at work for a only 3 days, and I can say I am completely over it already. Working in an office sucks!!!! I can remember when I was young, I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I did know that I did NOT want to work in an office. I still recall when the movie Working Girl came out, how appalled I was at the depiction of corporate life and wanted to avoid that life at all costs....well no, I guess not at all costs, because I started working in an office with my second job and have stayed in offices ever since. I didn't watch American Idol last night, but I heard there was one auditionee with many tattoos who apparently got those tats so that she'd never be able to work in an office. I kind of admire that!

I guess it's not just the job itself that sucks so much, it's that I feel I really don't fit in. Now I've had jobs where I really liked the people I worked with, and didn't want to leave because of them. I am so not feeling the same vibe here! Every day I get such a strong feeling that I really should be elsewhere. Not just that I'd rather be somewhere else, but also that nobody would mind so much if I just quit. Stupid corporate jobs and coworkers who only accept people who are exactly like them! Sorry, I just don't want to spend hours talking about manicures and hair appointments and day spas and how many expensive restaurants I've been to.... Or shop at Nordstrom and buy Coach purses and conduct silent Instant Messaging schemes with *the right* coworkers about how to avoid and exclude *the wrong* coworkers.....Do these people not realize this isn't a sorority? Jeez......

Perhaps I should just thank the Universe for reminding me every day about how I don't fit in here, and let it light a fire under my butt to find another job. Now can somebody remind me why I didn't work on my resume during my vacation? Oh yeah, because I wasn't thinking about work at all then! :-)

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